I don't care if you're a Wall Street banker or if you clean the toilets in some grotty dive-bar. To earn your position in my 50 Pigcent Army you are expected to devote 50 Percent of everything you earn to ME! Your pay check, gifts, inheritance, your pension your fucking allowance - half of it belongs to me. The other half will be used to pay for your bills and all the boring stuff in your life so if 50% isn't enough to live on - you'd better get creative on how to earn more - because the more you earn for yourself the more you earn for me too. I want you working overtime, finding extra jobs...
I don't care if you're a Wall Street banker or if you clean the toilets in some grotty dive-bar. To earn your position in my 50 Pigcent Army you are expected to devote 50 Percent of everything you earn to ME! Your pay check, gifts, inheritance, your pension your fucking allowance - half of it belongs to me. The other half will be used to pay for your bills and all the boring stuff in your life so if 50% isn't enough to live on - you'd better get creative on how to earn more - because the more you earn for yourself the more you earn for me too. I want you working overtime, finding extra jobs, selling your possessions and doing whatever it takes to make the most money you can for your Princess. I'm gonna keep the pressure on you too, worker-drone. I'll make sure every spare minute of your day is turned into earning potential and make you report how much you've earned for me every fucking day.
So I know what you're thinking. Why should I get to do literally nothing and you have to do EVERYTHING and I get half of all your money. The truth is, I'm actually being super-generous to you. Most betas, like you, don't get the chance to make a girl like me happy. You'd probably be working away to bring all your money home to some average, basic wife never getting the opportunity to serve a hot-as-fuck Princess. Forget that kinda life, loser. Forget dating the kind of girls in your league - ugly rejection-proof girls. Forfeit that miserable existence and join my 50 Pigcent Army - where you actually have a purpose - where you get to submit your money to a beautiful girl who will actually look good in all the things I'll spend it on. I deserve it - because I'm pretty. I deserve to get free money from my army of beta worker drones just because I'm hot and I'll expect you to thank me for letting you give it to me.
And here's the thing - I expect more from you every month piggie. Every month your 50 percent tax had better be more than you paid me last month - and I don't care how you get it either. Sell your TV - you won't have any time to watch it anyway and I want half it's worth, beg your friends and family for money until they want nothing more to do with you, take out loans until you have no more credit and then... when you have no more hours left in the day to work and no more funding streams to it's time to sell yourself piggie. That's where membership of the 50 Pigcent Army will take you, simp. It'll take you to extremes you never thought possible - selling yourself so that you can pay me more money. You do understand what I'm saying don't you? You know what I'll be expecting from you? You know what I mean by selling yourself, right? Uh-huh, Sucking cocks - to fund your membership of my 50 Pigcent Army.