Be grateful you’re even getting to hang out with me, loser. You should be used to this anyway – girls ignore you. You begged to spend time with me, so I don't know why you're so upset – you’re getting what you begged for – to be right here with your dream girl - getting to drool over me. I'm even gonna let you stroke your failure dick to me... you just don't get to talk to me cause GIRLS IGNORE YOU. You got that loser? No attention for you. 'Looking' is your sexlife - staring and stroking as you get ignored by me. Drooling over my superior brattyness as I ignore you - as I twizzle my hair a...
Be grateful you’re even getting to hang out with me, loser. You should be used to this anyway – girls ignore you. You begged to spend time with me, so I don't know why you're so upset – you’re getting what you begged for – to be right here with your dream girl - getting to drool over me. I'm even gonna let you stroke your failure dick to me... you just don't get to talk to me cause GIRLS IGNORE YOU. You got that loser? No attention for you. 'Looking' is your sexlife - staring and stroking as you get ignored by me. Drooling over my superior brattyness as I ignore you - as I twizzle my hair and pretend you're not even here. You should be grateful I let you PAY to look at me while I wait for my boyfriend to pick me up. You're lucky I'm giving you a break from doing my homework and chores to spend time looking at me. You're lucky you're getting special ignore-time from your Princess before by boyfriend gets here. So don't ruin it by trying to talk to me - just be silent and make the most of my generosity you fucking loser.
You should be so grateful - How many girls would even allow you into their bedrooms let alone jerk off as they totally fucking ignore you? Even if you did have to pay a fortune for this – it’s still super-generous of me, loser. How many girls would let you choose a favourite pair of Princess panties from their laundry hamper to rub your boner into? How many girls would let you kneel on the floor jerking off while they sent text messages to their boyfriends? Huh? No girls, loser! You're so lucky I ignore you like this - you're so lucky I give you an occasional sneer of disgust, a curl of my lip, or a flick of my pretty hair. You're so lucky you got to pay the hottest girl you know to IGNORE you. You're so lucky you're allowed to drool over my perfect body - the curve of my cute ass you'll never get to touch - the shape of my perfect tits you'll never get to see - my pretty toes wiggling just in front of your nose. You're just so damn lucky!
You really are damn lucky I haven't told my boyfriend about this either ignore-simp. Do you have any idea what he would do if he knew what you paid his girlfriend to drool over her? Staring at his girlfriend while I ignore you, jerking off into his girlfriends panties! OMG he'd be so mad about it - he'd destroy a wimp like you if he caught you doing this. He wouldn't believe me even if I told him I’m ignoring you for money - not that I'd make any excuses to save you from a beating - I'd let him beat you the fuck up and teach you a lesson. Seriously - my boyfriend would put you in hospital just for being in my bedroom, loser... so I guess that means you owe me for not letting anything slip to him. I guess it means you should be paying me EXTRA to keep my pretty lips from accidentally telling my boyfriend all about what you're doing to my panties and I guess you'd better hurry up and fill those panties with your slime before my boyfriend gets here you little ignore-piggie.