It's perfect for you - I mean of course, it's kinda small and pink is a little embarrassing for you to wear all the time but you have to admit it is perfect. I think it's the one - I think this should be the cage you spend the rest of your life locked inside. This should be the cage you'll never be allowed to take off. The chastity device that's gonna keep you permanently pussy-free! I'm going to scrunch you inside this little cock-prison in a moment - I'll put your failure-cock in this little pink tube, snap the lock shut and break the key in it the lock. The feeling of hopeless imprisonme...
It's perfect for you - I mean of course, it's kinda small and pink is a little embarrassing for you to wear all the time but you have to admit it is perfect. I think it's the one - I think this should be the cage you spend the rest of your life locked inside. This should be the cage you'll never be allowed to take off. The chastity device that's gonna keep you permanently pussy-free! I'm going to scrunch you inside this little cock-prison in a moment - I'll put your failure-cock in this little pink tube, snap the lock shut and break the key in it the lock. The feeling of hopeless imprisonment will never ever go away cage-boi. It'll just be one of the many uncomfortable sensations you're just gonna have to get used to - along with the never-ending ache from your poor, trapped blue-balls and the constant frustration of denial. You'll have to learn to get used to all the little inconveniences permanent chastity bring, loser - because once this thing is locked in place, it's NEVER coming off again.
There's more suffering than simply being locked in chastity that you're gonna have to get used to chastity-boi... Like pleasureless chastitygasms to help ease some of the pressure in your poor achy blue-balls. Uh-huh, you're gonna have to learn to cum in your cage and I'm sorry all of the few options you have available here are particularly humiliating! You could buzz away at your little pink device with a vibe until your little caged-up dick leaks. Buzz buzz buzz at your balls until a pleasureless dribble of failure-cum drools from your soft, trapped cock - it's pretty embarrassing, especially with an audience but it works, chastity-boi. Or perhaps penetrating you to a humiliating sissygasm would be more efficient - filling your fuck-hole with a big fake cock and fucking an extra-humiliating chastity-gasm out of you... I could certainly help you with that, loser - I have the perfect XXL strap-on to milk a ruined puddle of beta-slime out of you!
I think we should test out both methods on you, huh cage-boi? We'll try them both and whichever makes you cum the quickest is the one we'll never try again! You see - now that you're all locked up forever in that cage - the only way you're gonna be allowed to chastity-gasm is the way that you find the most difficult! So you're gonna vibe your balls until I tell you to stop and if you haven't drooled a creamy puddle from your cage for me we're gonna swap to the penetration method and so on. Whichever method finally makes you cum-in-chastity is the method you'll never get to do again... the way you will cage-gasm from now on will be the way that FAILED to make cum... You're just gonna have to learn how to make it work or you'll suffer a cumless existence in that cage forever and ever. So Buzz your balls, chastity-boi - turn the vibe up to MAX and try to make your poor trapped softy of yours cream it's cage. Buzz until I say so and then you'll swap to the cock and fill your ass up - then wriggle your ass down on it - grind yourself balls-deep on that big fake cock. Keep going - show me how you DON'T wanna cum for the rest of your life you wannabe cage-creamer. Swap... Swap... Swap...