I know it's frustrating knowing your release date is still months away - I know it's been a tough lock-up for you this time so I guess who could blame you for wanting to hump out a humiliating chastity-gasm into a pillow? An emasculating pillow humping as you enjoy the mocking torment of all my CruelGirlfriend teammates should help, right cage-boi? A loop of humili-porn clips, hours of unattainably beautiful bratty tease-princesses making fun of you and a nice plump pillow should be all you need to take care of all that built-up frustration, huh? And I could help you cage-creamer. Really - ...
I know it's frustrating knowing your release date is still months away - I know it's been a tough lock-up for you this time so I guess who could blame you for wanting to hump out a humiliating chastity-gasm into a pillow? An emasculating pillow humping as you enjoy the mocking torment of all my CruelGirlfriend teammates should help, right cage-boi? A loop of humili-porn clips, hours of unattainably beautiful bratty tease-princesses making fun of you and a nice plump pillow should be all you need to take care of all that built-up frustration, huh? And I could help you cage-creamer. Really - I'd be SO happy to humiliate you to an emasculating pillowy-gasm as you squirm around on a pillow. It's not exactly a challenge for a girl like me to find insults to belittle a loser like you into line - a locked up teased and denied pillow-creaming loser! I'm sure I could help you leak into that little pink chastity-cage... but you've got to agree to my rules... and rule number one is that if you make a mess on your pillow - you've got to lick it all up? Do we have a deal pillow-humper? Will you eat up your pillow-cream after you've humped it in your chastity cage?..
That's the deal if you wanna be a pillow-creamer for Miss Kitty-Marie - that's the price you've got to pay for cheating in your chastity before your release date, loser - if you want to make a mess on your pillow while you're still locked up in your little pink cage you'll have to clean that mess up too. You'll eat up all your pillow-gasm for me - every icky, disgusting, chastity-humped drop of it. So go right ahead pillow-creamer - do it. I WANT you to! I want you to squirm and wriggle and hump and grind all over that pillow - I want you to make that slimy mess all over it so that I can watch you eat it. I'm gonna cheer you on, you fucking failure - all the way - I'm going to humiliate you just like you need to be humiliated to help you cum in chastity. I'll tell you exactly how to do it - how to rub your cage into that pillow - how stupid you look - how pathetic and ashamed you should feel - how much it makes me laugh to make you do it. I'll ridicule you and make you feel so embarrassed - just like anyone deserves to feel for humping a fucking pillow! I'll make you blush with shame, and I won't stop - pillow-creamers like you deserve ZERO mercy humiliation and I have plenty of that to give you, loser.
Hump, pillow-creamer! Faster! Hump, hump, hump with the sound of my bratty insults spitting down on you. Every 'Ew' of disgust, every sneer of contempt, every cruel giggle and humiliating command you'll keep humping. You'll grind your cage into that pillow as I remind you how you'll be made to lap up all your mess with your tongue when you can't take the humiliation any more. How you'll leak that humpy-gasm all over your pillow and then lick it all up as I laugh at you. How you'll push your stupid, embarrassed face into your own puddle of cream and slurp up every drop... which will make it so easy for me to remind you why you were locked up in the first place - why a loser like you doesn't deserve to touch his own cock - why you've been denied real pussy - why girls want you to stay caged away in chastity. I'll remind you of all your failures and mock you for every one of them until you're ready to pillow-gasm for me. Are you ready pillow-creamer? Are you ready to make a mess on your pillow and eat it all up for Miss Kitty-Marie? Are you? I can't hear you begging yet?...