The meanest punishment of all. After it you cannot walk, not sit or rest from the intense pain and constant throbbing of the skin and flesh. Caning the soles.
And Mistress Tatjana and Lady Leanna does it right! And without mercy. This ugly slave was clumsy and boring, slow and imprecise so he deserved a little bit of
stimulating. They only wanted him to be faster and effective. I fear that he will be even more sluggy after this.
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The meanest punishment of all. After it you cannot walk, not sit or rest from the intense pain and constant throbbing of the skin and flesh. Caning the soles.
And Mistress Tatjana and Lady Leanna does it right! And without mercy. This ugly slave was clumsy and boring, slow and imprecise so he deserved a little bit of
stimulating. They only wanted him to be faster and effective. I fear that he will be even more sluggy after this.