Mila - Nurse Preps the Prescriptions
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Runtime: 16 minutes
Date Added: 10/29/2023


Nurse Mila is searching through the table for the items needed to fill the Dr's next patient prescription and in utter annoyance tosses things unimportant behind her onto the floor. Then as she proceeds to go about the procedure of readying the proper materials she tramples and stands ons the disgards supplies cast asunder. Chaos to some, a beautiful proper thing to others.

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Nurse Mila is searching through the table for the items needed to fill the Dr's next patient prescription and in utter annoyance tosses things unimportant behind her onto the floor. Then as she proceeds to go about the procedure of readying the proper materials she tramples and stands ons the disgards supplies cast asunder. Chaos to some, a beautiful proper thing to others.

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