Have you ever have your entire portion of rent seduced out of your account just a few days before its due? Have you ever been so turned on while edging to findom that you spent an entire month’s expenses? It feels so good when you do. It feels so right so sacrifice for my pleasure and do what you're told. I’m going to get you rock hard before teasing it out of you. Slowly sending more and more until its all in the palm of my hand. You can’t resist the ways I tease you, just give me your rent money and suffer for me.
Have you ever have your entire portion of rent seduced out of your account just a few days before its due? Have you ever been so turned on while edging to findom that you spent an entire month’s expenses? It feels so good when you do. It feels so right so sacrifice for my pleasure and do what you're told. I’m going to get you rock hard before teasing it out of you. Slowly sending more and more until its all in the palm of my hand. You can’t resist the ways I tease you, just give me your rent money and suffer for me.