I knew you'd be here. Your a spending loser and I use you with that horny dick in between your legs to get exactly what I want. My lips, my face, my smoke, everything about me is perfect and it gives me the one thing I want which is...you...spending on ME. The most important thing in your life.... yeah thats me and I know it. This is an addiction you can't quite loser and i will continue to use my beauty to make you my mindless jerking pay slave. FEED MY GREED
I knew you'd be here. Your a spending loser and I use you with that horny dick in between your legs to get exactly what I want. My lips, my face, my smoke, everything about me is perfect and it gives me the one thing I want which is...you...spending on ME. The most important thing in your life.... yeah thats me and I know it. This is an addiction you can't quite loser and i will continue to use my beauty to make you my mindless jerking pay slave. FEED MY GREED