Robert Heinlein, the science fiction writer, had affinity for redheads. To him, redheads were sublime, they were capable, they were hyper-sexual and something about the way they moved through a crowd led him to believe that they may have shared a common ancestor with a cat. Heinlein knew what he was talking about, and Kadia here is a prime example of his archetypical fire-crotch leading lady. Another trait she shares with Heinlein's redheads is a pronounced distaste for monogamy. Her beautiful pussy was meant to be shared by all those she has time enough to love; her dipshit husband is just go...
Robert Heinlein, the science fiction writer, had affinity for redheads. To him, redheads were sublime, they were capable, they were hyper-sexual and something about the way they moved through a crowd led him to believe that they may have shared a common ancestor with a cat. Heinlein knew what he was talking about, and Kadia here is a prime example of his archetypical fire-crotch leading lady. Another trait she shares with Heinlein's redheads is a pronounced distaste for monogamy. Her beautiful pussy was meant to be shared by all those she has time enough to love; her dipshit husband is just go...