Description: You are meeting someone at a bar for a first date. You are wearing a tight shiny catsuit, and a thick plastic diaper underneath which is a secret. You're nervous to meet, and are adjusting and pulling up on your catsuit since you're worried they're going to notice your diaper. You then turn surprised to see your date here already and introduce yourself. You start small-talking with your date and flirting with them - saying how cute they are and feeli...
Description: You are meeting someone at a bar for a first date. You are wearing a tight shiny catsuit, and a thick plastic diaper underneath which is a secret. You're nervous to meet, and are adjusting and pulling up on your catsuit since you're worried they're going to notice your diaper. You then turn surprised to see your date here already and introduce yourself. You start small-talking with your date and flirting with them - saying how cute they are and feeling excited to be on a date with them. While you're shifting your weight, the implied date hears a crinkling from your diaper and asks if you hear something. You start to get a little nervous and deny you heard anything. You quickly change the subject so the date doesn't ask anymore about it. You continue flirting but then you drop something on the ground. You turn with your butt facing the camera, and bend down to pick it up. The date notices your butt looks like it's diapered and asks if you are wearing diapers. You immediately get nervous and brush it off quickly, but eventually the date keeps asking and you give in to admit you are wearing one. You explain that you sometimes get nervous and pee your pants, so you wore a diaper just in case. The date tells you they think that's kinda hot and you start to feel a little better even though you're still nervous, but the date insists they think it's hot and they want to see it right now in the bar. You're really nervous about the idea of doing that but you agree to just unzip and show you really quick. You look around to make sure no one is looking and you unzip the front of your catsuit so the date can see the top part of the diaper, and then quickly zip back up. But the date says they want to see the entire diaper. You immediately turn them down saying you can't pull your pants down in a bar - but the date promises to watch for anyone looking while you do it. You really want to impress your date so you reluctantly unzip and pull down your catsuit, looking around to make sure no one sees. The date then asks you to model it and so you start posing and smiling, thinking it's kind of kinky. The date then hands you some water to pour down your diaper. You don't really want to make your diaper wet but you agree if they think it's hot then you'll do it. After you pour the water into your diaper you notice the date has been taking pictures of you this whole time! You ask them what they're doing. You find out they were just pretending to think the diaper was cute and instead wanted to get pictures of you diapered to show all their friends. You get incredibly embarrassed and zip the catsuit back up. Your date explains that they're going to show all their friends your diaper pictures. You beg them not to but while doing so you start actually having an accident in your diaper which makes you even more humiliated. You tell the date you'll do anything they want as long as they don't share those photos. The date says he'll delete the pictures if you announce to the entire bar that you are wearing diapers, you peed your pants, and you need a diaper change. You beg them anything but that but eventually give in and yell to the entire club that you are wearing a diaper, you peed your pants, and you need your diaper changed. Once you do this the whole bar laughs at you. The date asks if you brought a spare diaper which you didn't. Someone throws you a diaper that's way too small, and the date then instructs you to put it on over top of your wet diaper. So you unzip your catsuit once again, tape the fresh diaper over top the wet one, and zip your catsuit back up. You then ask to leave and beg the date not to share those photos. They agree, and then you uncomfortably waddle with your butt to the camera out of the bar.
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