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Hot Chili Dump Toilet Farts
My Rating:
Studio: Cute Farts
Runtime: 3 minutes
Category: Toilet Fetish
Date Added: 08/01/14, 04:00 PM


I'm a girl on the toilet making some loud nasty dumps! An American toilet girl living in Switzerland misses a lot of things from back spicy chili con carne! So I found all the ingredients (miraculously, especially the chilis) and made me a big ol'! Except I wanted to up the firepower potential so I added a can of kidney beans....oh yeah. This is a looooooong dump, and it is almost non-stop with lots of big sloppy farts, some bassy rumblers, and almost non-stop plopping action! Lots of sounds of my big logs hitting the water! And lots of sign of pain, as that chili is pretty low ...

Hot Chili Dump Toilet Farts

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