*Features: Catsuit, red lipstick, and thigh high boots; Catwoman role playing and a Superman "little man" prop; Vore role playing and descriptive talk about swallowing and digesting you; Same-size vore as I swallow Wonder Woman; Mouth/tongue close-ups; Powerful woman theme; Big, full belly under my catsuit*
Note: I apparently didn't press record when I gave you a second angle of my "swallowing" of Superman. I usually try to do a side view as well as a POV from above for you but sadly, you'll only have the POV angle in this clip. Sorry. Next time! Catwoman is fed up with the fac...
*Features: Catsuit, red lipstick, and thigh high boots; Catwoman role playing and a Superman "little man" prop; Vore role playing and descriptive talk about swallowing and digesting you; Same-size vore as I swallow Wonder Woman; Mouth/tongue close-ups; Powerful woman theme; Big, full belly under my catsuit*
Note: I apparently didn't press record when I gave you a second angle of my "swallowing" of Superman. I usually try to do a side view as well as a POV from above for you but sadly, you'll only have the POV angle in this clip. Sorry. Next time! Catwoman is fed up with the fact that the males in the Justice League are getting all of the fame and glory. Hasn't the world heard enough from Batman and Superman!? Wonder Woman is getting some of the limelight lately but what about Catwoman!? Catwoman kicks just as much ass as these dudes in tights. The females of the DC Universe need to unite and take these men and their powers down a notch! But...Wonder Woman doesn't want any part of Catwoman's plan. So....Catwoman has taken matters into her own hands. And she did it! She made it happen all on her own! She shrunk Superman! He's sitting on a plate on her couch right now, waiting to become a delicious lunch for a hungry Catwoman. But now of course, Wonder Woman is butting into things that aren't her business and she's trying to save Superman. These goody two-shoes are annoying. Catwoman rolls her eyes and explains that there is no saving Superman. She has shrunk him and he will be eaten. Swallowed whole, while alive. No exceptions. And his powers will be absorbed by Catwoman's body! She will gain all of his hundreds of super strengths! Wonder Woman is crying and being a ditz and threatening to call Batman for help. Yawn. If she had just listened to Catwoman from the start she could have joined in on this feast. Too late for that though. Catwoman wants all of his powers for herself. But Catwoman has realized that Wonder Woman can still be a part of this goddess takeover....in a much different way. Wonder Woman possesses a power that Superman definitely does not have. A power that Catwoman needs to have if she wants to conquer the world as the absolute best superheroine ever! So Catwoman is just going to have to stretch her mouth and jaw open wide, like an anaconda. She's going to have to swallow full-size Wonder Woman whole, while alive, no exceptions!