The world is truly diverse, as far as the ladies are concerned from the point of view of men to their age. Whether perfectly slim or thinner, normally proportioned, fully-slender, as even more lush (bbw) to the xxl-girls are the preferences of the predominantly male target group scattered. This affects smaller, like larger or more manly dominant, as extremely feminine delicately strung women. From young girlish appearances to mature middle aged women to mature, older and experienced ladies. Also, the type of body- and extremity-clothing from casual to highly elegant, as well as the cosmetic...
The world is truly diverse, as far as the ladies are concerned from the point of view of men to their age. Whether perfectly slim or thinner, normally proportioned, fully-slender, as even more lush (bbw) to the xxl-girls are the preferences of the predominantly male target group scattered. This affects smaller, like larger or more manly dominant, as extremely feminine delicately strung women. From young girlish appearances to mature middle aged women to mature, older and experienced ladies. Also, the type of body- and extremity-clothing from casual to highly elegant, as well as the cosmetic design of face, hairstyle, fingernails and jewellery and their countless seductive refinements. Even foot shape and shoe size can be of truly significant decision making.
The shorter the skirt, the higher the stiletto heels. Just one example of many other combinations. For some of us a very special kick in the fetish area, which occasionally, even if perhaps less often today, even admires in public. And this is entirely in the eyesight and senses of the beholder. As we all know, the tastes have always been different, and as long as there are people, they will always remain different and provide endless discussion matter when it comes to defining true beauty and aesthetics.
The miniskirt is doing its part with it nowadays. Because today, this is worn by almost every age-, society- and social target group. Only new seems to be a certain fashion-related “rejuvenation” of certain age target groups over time. At least one is ashamed a little less today about some alleged fashion faux pas than at the time. Almost everything seems possible today, with a few exceptions. Even men should already have seen in miniskirt-look, but until now is rather the exception and rather concerns a different topic.
At the same time, the story about this mystically shamefaced fashion cult does not start in the mid-sixties. He was only then sent and the time refined according to refined. First attempts can be admired already at the beginning of the twentieth century. In the golden twenties, in the age of Charleston, the first clear over-the-knee tendencies are already very clearly recognizable, which at the time was also skilfully combined with the appropriate heeled shoe fashion. If one follows the development of the world at that time together with the different invention of the perlon- and nylon-stockings, it becomes much clearer why then in the thirties the prohibition times and the 1940s pre-war years the rock length was kept at knee-level. If you look at a lot of pin-up-pictures, like -models of that time until the fifties, then you notice a certain acceleration in terms of skirt-shape and -length. That at some point inevitably led to a so-called mini-skirt, as well as -dresses, is clear, if one knows the timely development of the sixties and also understood.
Today, the miniskirt is also an evergreen and constant returnee on the fashion stages of the world. And this not only for young, but also for mature and older ladies quite permissible. Whether you think this is good or maybe too much for a tad is all alone in the eye of the beholder. Like so much else. And that's what makes life out there so interesting and diverse. We can not wait to see what the future of the next few years will bring in this direction, as in so many other things.