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Wiener Chef - Step-Daddy Giant 43 - Richard Lennox
My Rating:
Runtime: 8 minutes
Category: Giants
Date Added: 04/10/20, 03:11 PM


You can't even make an afternoon snack without your clueless giant step-dad fucking everything up. First, he yells at you for making a whole frankfurter when you both know you won't eat the whole thing, since you're only an inch tall. (Are we really THAT poor? Fuck!) Then, he insists on sharing it with you. But instead of just slicing off half for himself, he starts eating from the other end and you have to watch his gross mouth while he chews with his mouth open. UGH. Then, he gets so enthusiastic about eating, he eats the last bite - with you still sitting on it. You struggle to get out o...

Wiener Chef - Step-Daddy Giant 43 - Richard Lennox

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