Bella: esame medico con test sensoriale ed ECG - Bella: medical exam with sensorial test and EKG (MEDICAL FETISH)
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Category: Medical Fetish
Runtime: 33 minutes
Date Added: 12/23/2024


Bella, di professione artista e modella, effettua un check-up medico generale dal Dottor Stevenson. Oltre al consueto protocollo, il medico sperimenterà sulla paziente anche un test sensoriale, concludendo infine la visita con un ECG.


Bella, an artist and model by profession, gets a general medical check-up from Dr. Stevenson. In addition to the usual protocol, the doctor will also experiment with sensory testing on the patient, finally concluding the visit with an ECG.

Language: Italian

Bella: esame medico con test sensoriale ed ECG - Bella: medical exam with sensorial test and EKG (MEDICAL FETISH)

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