Mayla: ECG - Mayla: EKG (MED EXAM)
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Category: Med Exam
Runtime: 23 minutes
Date Added: 10/13/2023


Pur non soffrendo di particolari problemi di salute, Mayla prenota un check-up del Dottor Stevenson per monitorare le condizioni di salute generali del suo corpo e per effettuare anche un approfondito controllo del cuore tramite un ECG a riposo e sotto sforzo.


Even though she does not suffer from any particular health condition, Mayla books a check-up with Doctor Stevenson to monitor the general health of her body and also to carry out a cardiac check via an ECG at rest and under stress.

Language: Italian

Mayla: ECG - Mayla: EKG (MED EXAM)

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