Thena: visita nasologica - Thena: the nose medical exam (NOSE FETISH: MEDICAL FETISH)
My Rating:
Category: Nose Fetish
Runtime: 15 minutes
Date Added: 12/30/2024


Ormai da un mese, Thena lamenta un fastidioso problema di congestione nasale che le impedisce di respirare bene. Una volta descritti i sintomi al Dottor Stevenson, saranno la sua perizia e il suo istinto a guidarlo verso la risoluzione del caso.


For a month now, Thena has been complaining of an annoying nasal congestion problem that prevents her from breathing properly. Once she describes the symptoms to Dr. Stevenson, it is his expertise and instincts that will guide him toward solving the case.

Language: English/Italian

Thena: visita nasologica - Thena: the nose medical exam (NOSE FETISH: MEDICAL FETISH)

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