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A Sneezy Date- A New Sneeze Record!
My Rating:
Runtime: 5 minutes
Category: Sneezing
Date Added: 01/16/19, 09:13 PM


You knew how sick I've been, and wanted to come cheer me up. You are such a sexy, sweet darling! However, I wanted to return the favor, and remembered how you had mentioned finding my sneezes super sexy. I put on some dark red lipstick before you got here, and fixed myself up as best I could through feeling so ill. I have you lie back, and lean my pretty face close to yours. My hazel eyes gaze adoringly into yours as I twist up my Kleenex and wiggle it inside my cute button nose. Eyes watering, the first sneeze comes quickly and they just don't stop! My lipstick smudges, my eye makeup looks...

A Sneezy Date- A New Sneeze Record!

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