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Inducing Sneezes While Waiting for my Bath
My Rating:
Runtime: 7 minutes
Category: Sneezing
Date Added: 06/12/17, 01:55 PM


I got sick again. I have a horrendous head cold and am coughing like crazy. To feel better, I decided to run a warm bath and induce some sneezes to get my head clear. I got a huge one almost right away that felt just incredible! I love the way it builds similar to an orgasm. I kept trying to get more, but was having a hard time of it. You can see my eyes water, my nose wiggle and the frustration in my eyes. I bring out the Q-tip, and soon that helps me to get a little one out. I go back to the tissue, and manage one more small one. This clips has lots of nose blowing, and some cough...

Inducing Sneezes While Waiting for my Bath

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