Period Bathroom Trips
My Rating:
Category: Pee
Runtime: 6 minutes
Date Added: 9/16/2018


Ugh, I feel horrible! I'm all crampy and sore, and my tummy is all messed up. I've been drinking more water to try to flush things out, and its made me have to pee more! I was at a friend's house in the first part of this clip, and just had to pee. I show off my dirty pad, and change it as well. I have to wear really big ones, I feel like I'm wearing a diaper! The second half is number 2- I hate how my stomach goes from loose to constipated each month! My pad is a lot more filled in this part because it's the next day and I have a heavy flow. I strain on the toilet, my poor tummy aching fro...

Period Bathroom Trips

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