Daisy has had it with her new creepy craigslist roommate. He pays rent and bills late, drinks her cider and eats her food, and now after a long day at work Daisy comes home, walks into her bedroom and turns on the lights to find him completely and on her bed, with his gross feet on her pillow! She tries to shake and slap him awake, but soon gets fed up and decides to teach him a big lesson. Daisy sits on his face, cutting off his air with her fat ass and pussy. He weakly struggles, dazed and int0xicated as Daisy laughs and easily overpowers him. She verbally the loser, grinding her ass on his ...
Daisy has had it with her new creepy craigslist roommate. He pays rent and bills late, drinks her cider and eats her food, and now after a long day at work Daisy comes home, walks into her bedroom and turns on the lights to find him completely and on her bed, with his gross feet on her pillow! She tries to shake and slap him awake, but soon gets fed up and decides to teach him a big lesson. Daisy sits on his face, cutting off his air with her fat ass and pussy. He weakly struggles, dazed and int0xicated as Daisy laughs and easily overpowers him. She verbally the loser, grinding her ass on his ...