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Hailey- Drop seat Jammies, Tied Down and Tawsed Part 1
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At the end of the adorable Hailey's day, I decided that she was way to spent from her spankings to travel home." You will stay the night and travel back tomorrow' I told her. She was very happy to do so! When she showed me these pajamas she had with her in her bag, I knew they were too great to not shoot a drop seat tuck-in spanking. Well, she didn't really go to rest afterwards as it was only about 5:00 p.m., but you get the drift.

I have this great bondage wedge-block, I won at the Hustler store years ago in Hollywood at it's grand opening. Hailey is a complete vision as I tied h...

Hailey- Drop seat Jammies, Tied Down and Tawsed Part 1

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