Naked and Strapped as Penance to Tears
My Rating:
Category: Strapping
Runtime: 17 minutes
Date Added: 6/13/2018


Naked and trembling Dazey confesses her sins to a priest. She is afraid because she is a sinner. She is afraid because this priest does not hand out 'hail Mary's', he instead hands out painful spankings. After confession Dazey is lead to a raise leather platform wherein she is scolded as to her sins and then given a painful and bottom bruising strapping. Her tears stain her face as that strap falls. She promises to be without sin, but her penance must be paid in full. This large breasted sinner got more than she bargained for. She knew she was a sinner and this means she knew she would be b...

Naked and Strapped as Penance to Tears

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