The new Dyson
My Rating:
Category: Sock Smelling
Runtime: 4 minutes
Date Added: 10/19/2022


Delvia Sovrani and I have created a new Dyson model: it does not vacuum dust, but with strong smells it is perfect. You put a stinky shoe in front of his face and he breathes! And here the shoes are as good as new. Same with socks! The Dyson breathes and holds back the stinks!

Io e Delvia Sovrani abbiamo creato un nuovo modello di Dyson: non aspira la polvere, ma con gli odori forti è perfetto. Gli mettete davanti al viso una scarpa puzzolente e lui respira! Ed ecco che le scarpe sono come nuove. Stessa cosa con i calzini! Il Dyson respira e trattiene le puzze!

The new Dyson

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