Custom clip request " I was hoping I would start by become addicted to the scent of your hosed feet that have been in your heels and hose at the office ALL day. I want to crave that scent of sweat when mixed with nail polish, feet, nylons, and leather pumps make, especially when worn day after day. that corn chip scent. I want to be so addicted that I can't get hard for my wife without that scent. the more I sniff your hose and pumps, the deeper the addiction gets. I even see you using that addiction against me to feminize me before you let me smell and sniff them. I was hoping you would wear ...
Custom clip request " I was hoping I would start by become addicted to the scent of your hosed feet that have been in your heels and hose at the office ALL day. I want to crave that scent of sweat when mixed with nail polish, feet, nylons, and leather pumps make, especially when worn day after day. that corn chip scent. I want to be so addicted that I can't get hard for my wife without that scent. the more I sniff your hose and pumps, the deeper the addiction gets. I even see you using that addiction against me to feminize me before you let me smell and sniff them. I was hoping you would wear ...