Everything about Me is to you..., My Breast, My Eyes, My Lips especilay My LegsYes, just give in to Me that's right.... you've found what you seek I've given you a peek... and as you continue to stare your eyes locked on My image your mind open to My words you will always always always obey Celine Repeat... "i will always always always obey Celine" again "i will always always always obey Celine" and again Good- Now - you must please and serve Me
Everything about Me is to you..., My Breast, My Eyes, My Lips especilay My LegsYes, just give in to Me that's right.... you've found what you seek I've given you a peek... and as you continue to stare your eyes locked on My image your mind open to My words you will always always always obey Celine Repeat... "i will always always always obey Celine" again "i will always always always obey Celine" and again Good- Now - you must please and serve Me