Custom clip request '' bought many of your and foot fetish videos and it gave me a great idea for a new combo video! How about you the viewer and give them a foot fetish (for only you) that is deeply seeded in their mind for ever! Make it so they endlessly dream of sucking on your sexy toes! (I love your sexy toes) Make it so they can not even get hard for anyone else ever again! They will be addicted forever and will buy all your clips. They will be your foot slave and pet forever....hahahahaha OMG! I would buy that one for sure ''
Custom clip request '' bought many of your and foot fetish videos and it gave me a great idea for a new combo video! How about you the viewer and give them a foot fetish (for only you) that is deeply seeded in their mind for ever! Make it so they endlessly dream of sucking on your sexy toes! (I love your sexy toes) Make it so they can not even get hard for anyone else ever again! They will be addicted forever and will buy all your clips. They will be your foot slave and pet forever....hahahahaha OMG! I would buy that one for sure ''