Custom clip request ""So you and your wife have tried everything to cure your Erectile Dysfunction! Nothing worked (pills, injections, cock rings, pumps, etc) so you opted for surgery - penile implants! The doctor says it was a success and you will enjoy great sex with the wife, however you must be very very careful! You have to wait 6 weeks after the operation before you can ejaculate! If you cum before that you will damage your penis and never be able to use it again! So tell me, how long has it been? By my calculations it's almost 5 weeks! And here you are looking at my site! That's fine as...
Custom clip request ""So you and your wife have tried everything to cure your Erectile Dysfunction! Nothing worked (pills, injections, cock rings, pumps, etc) so you opted for surgery - penile implants! The doctor says it was a success and you will enjoy great sex with the wife, however you must be very very careful! You have to wait 6 weeks after the operation before you can ejaculate! If you cum before that you will damage your penis and never be able to use it again! So tell me, how long has it been? By my calculations it's almost 5 weeks! And here you are looking at my site! That's fine as...