your wife sent you to ME becouse she think you may have some problems about your sexuality.Looking at your face I can read ..You like to cum.
Your wife is ugly.
Your balls twitch and throb when you look at .
You go to work and flirt but them girls think your old.
Tthey preffer huge dicks someone 10 years younger or 25 years
older with more money, cars, big houses and maybe viagra? i will prove you are such a frustrated are a sex-holic!
your wife sent you to ME becouse she think you may have some problems about your sexuality.Looking at your face I can read ..You like to cum.
Your wife is ugly.
Your balls twitch and throb when you look at .
You go to work and flirt but them girls think your old.
Tthey preffer huge dicks someone 10 years younger or 25 years
older with more money, cars, big houses and maybe viagra? i will prove you are such a frustrated are a sex-holic!