Bat Hannah (Hannah Perez) is a new vigilante operating in Gotham City who is using her martial arts skills to bring down the city's super-villain, Madam Riddler (Angelique Kithos). Getting word that a shipment of illegal Russian firearms was being transported, Bat Hannah locates the shipyard and teaches the two thugs a lesson in just how serious should be taken. Investigating the boxes, Bat Hannah triggers off a toxic gas that renders her . She awakens tied to a table and a menacing green-clad Madam Riddler is circling her. The Madam's plan was to originally capture bat Man and seduce him, but...
Bat Hannah (Hannah Perez) is a new vigilante operating in Gotham City who is using her martial arts skills to bring down the city's super-villain, Madam Riddler (Angelique Kithos). Getting word that a shipment of illegal Russian firearms was being transported, Bat Hannah locates the shipyard and teaches the two thugs a lesson in just how serious should be taken. Investigating the boxes, Bat Hannah triggers off a toxic gas that renders her . She awakens tied to a table and a menacing green-clad Madam Riddler is circling her. The Madam's plan was to originally capture bat Man and seduce him, but...