Raquel Roper and her step-brother Toby Springs have the entire house for the weekend since their parent are out of town. When Toby comes into the living room and sees his step-sister in still there he tells her she has to leave since his girlfriend is coming over for a movie date, but his step-sis tells him that she is not leaving because her boyfriend is coming over and she is tired of him thinking he is the boss of everything. As Toby gets up to use the bathroom and get ready Raquel pushes him out of the way and locks him out. Toby begs for his step-sis to just open up...
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Raquel Roper and her step-brother Toby Springs have the entire house for the weekend since their parent are out of town. When Toby comes into the living room and sees his step-sister in still there he tells her she has to leave since his girlfriend is coming over for a movie date, but his step-sis tells him that she is not leaving because her boyfriend is coming over and she is tired of him thinking he is the boss of everything. As Toby gets up to use the bathroom and get ready Raquel pushes him out of the way and locks him out. Toby begs for his step-sis to just open up the door before he ends u having an accident in his pants, but not before long and after a little pee pee dance soon Toby is peeing his pants. Next thing he knows his step-sis is opening up the door pointing and laughing while she takes pictures on her phone. Now she has her pee pee pants step-brother right where she wants him. Raquel makes her step-brother follow her to the living room and strip naked. While making fun of her Wittle step-brother for peeing his pants she tells him that he is now going to get a spanking for being such a bad boy. Bending him over her knee she begins to spank his ass. Swat after swat Toby cries out in pain as his little butt gets redder. You can truly see the sadistic look in his sisters face as she brings her hand down on his bare bottom each and every time. As Toby kicks his feet in pain, Raquel decides to make him count his spankings each and every one out loud. Knowing he is trapped and doesn't want any of the pictures that she keeps taking to get sent out to all his friends, all Toby can do is do anything his step-sister tells him and take his punishment for peeing his pants. Hopefully his girlfriend doesn't find out or see because his step-sister is just getting started with his punishment.
Now Toby Springs sits on the floor with a red burning bottom from his spanking waiting for his step-sister to return with what she said she had ordered from online. When she returns to the living room with the supplies, Toby is shocked to see a big diaper in her hand with wipes, baby powder, and what looks to be like some kind of mitts. knowing that with the pictures his step-sister has of him peeing himself and getting spanked by her, he has no choice but to do as Raquel says and lay on the floor for his diapering. First she puts his hands in mitts so that he can't do anything even if he tried. Then she begins cleaning him up just like the baby step-brother he has proved himself to be. While she gives her step-brother a diaper change she is scolding him the whole time making fun of how he peed his pants and now will be in a diaper just like a again. After he is nice and snug in his diaper she begins taking pictures and making him crawl around on the floor. After begging his step-sister to please let him go and agreeing to do all her choirs and homework, Raquel just laughs and says she will be back later from her date and his girlfriend should be over soon for theirs as she walks out of the house leaving her step-brother locked in the mitts and sitting in his diaper.