DMP-028 Steam Punk Bounty Hunter - Part 1
My Rating:
Category: Did
Runtime: 4 minutes
Date Added: 11/28/2018


World Famous Steam Punk bounty hunter, Kat VanWilder, is tracking her most dangerous bounty to date. Kat has located her foe's secret hideout and is planning to bring her to justice for her crimes. However, things do not go as planned for our heroine and a fierce shoot out ensues. Kat employs all of her markmanship skills to try and subdue her adversary, but it appears she is over matched. During the fight, Kat begins to lose parts of her outfit as her cunning opponent takes advantage of every opportunity she gets. Does Kat win the day or does she retreat to come back and fight another day?...

DMP-028 Steam Punk Bounty Hunter - Part 1

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