Super Sentai Action Girl Wow! (MOV)
Starring Luna, Johnnie Axe
25:34; scored; 18920x1080
In this episode, Super Sentai Action Girl attempts to infiltrate the lair of her arch-enemy, Dr. Headloaf. But Action Girl inadvertently sets off the alarm, and Dr. Headloaf dispatches his minions to capture her. She puts up a valiant fight but finds herself overwhelmed by one of Dr. Headloaf's hench-monsters.
She awakens to find herself naked and secured to a chair in Dr. Headloaf's laboratory, her beautiful young body wired for a session of sadistic . At first, she tries to put up a brave...
Super Sentai Action Girl Wow! (MOV)
Starring Luna, Johnnie Axe
25:34; scored; 18920x1080
In this episode, Super Sentai Action Girl attempts to infiltrate the lair of her arch-enemy, Dr. Headloaf. But Action Girl inadvertently sets off the alarm, and Dr. Headloaf dispatches his minions to capture her. She puts up a valiant fight but finds herself overwhelmed by one of Dr. Headloaf's hench-monsters.
She awakens to find herself naked and secured to a chair in Dr. Headloaf's laboratory, her beautiful young body wired for a session of sadistic . At first, she tries to put up a brave...