This is a custom video, no names are used.
Sneezes are fake for roleplaying purposes.
"So the background for this would be that you are a military experiment of sorts. You are a volunteer whose memory was wiped and has been genetically modified to have destructive sneezes, like to the point of going nuclear, with the purpose of the government using you as a weapon/undercover agent.
The video would start with you on a mission to infiltrate an enemy capitol, which you successfully manage to do. You'd sneak into the main part of the base, memorizing all their info and the...
This is a custom video, no names are used.
Sneezes are fake for roleplaying purposes.
"So the background for this would be that you are a military experiment of sorts. You are a volunteer whose memory was wiped and has been genetically modified to have destructive sneezes, like to the point of going nuclear, with the purpose of the government using you as a weapon/undercover agent.
The video would start with you on a mission to infiltrate an enemy capitol, which you successfully manage to do. You'd sneak into the main part of the base, memorizing all their info and then pulling out the feather you were armed with to tickle your nose. After a series of teasing false starts and some buildup, someone would walk in, but all you'd be able to tell them is it's too late before you sneeze and turn the whole capitol and surrounding city into a crater. (This part of the video would all be fairly quick and done right at the beginning)
The next scene would you be returning back to base after destroying the enemy capitol, but as you're being debriefed, you can feel your nose tickling, some dust from the destruction of the mission stuck in your nose. You would try to warn the people about what was coming, but they order you to stay silent, which you try to do but struggle to during your buildup. By the time they realize what is going on, they sound the alarm and beg you not to sneeze, but you can't stop yourself. The sneeze keeps building bigger and bigger until you go nuclear, wiping out humanity itself with your sneeze.
Scene three would be you being discovered by some people of the new (rebuilt) civilization years later (at this point you'd be naked, the last sneeze having destroyed your clothes). They help you up and take you back to their city, asking you questions like what happened to the old world while they give you some new clothes to put on. You mistake this new civilization as a threat though, and offer to show them what happened to the old world, telling them to bring you a feather. You'd once again tickle your nose, with a y grin knowing what is coming, and have another huge sneeze, going nuclear again and wiping out all the new world too
Then the ending. Having the new world wiped out, and the area around you now being a crater from the magnitude of your sneeze, you sit for a moment and wonder what to do. For the first time no one was around to give you orders. So you do the only thing you know how to do. Sneeze. You would suck up the dust from the destruction around you, and use your hair to tickle your nose, letting out many "small" sneezes that shake the earth, and destroy your clothes (which somehow survived the previous blast), leaving you naked again. Realizing you are kind of enjoying it, you start to tickle your nose more, trying to buildup for a grand finale, this buildup would be long, dramatic, and over the top (even more than the other ones), with many false starts, and maybe even a small sneeze or two in between which only makes the tickle worse. Then after a long dramatic pause, the sneeze would get stuck. Frustrated, you give your nose a final tickle and let out the biggest sneeze yet, destroying the planet all together!"
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