This is a custom video, no names are used.
Set-up is you are a teacher that’s been dealing with too many troublesome students. Over the months, you’ve been practicing a way to not only get rid of annoying students and have them contribute to something that matters. Your hungry belly!
You’ve got one of your problematic students now & are recording to show what is about to happen to your future students that wind up annoying you. Telling the camera that this student was always trying to hit you up for “private lessons” & checking you out during lectures. Today, you’ve decide...
This is a custom video, no names are used.
Set-up is you are a teacher that’s been dealing with too many troublesome students. Over the months, you’ve been practicing a way to not only get rid of annoying students and have them contribute to something that matters. Your hungry belly!
You’ve got one of your problematic students now & are recording to show what is about to happen to your future students that wind up annoying you. Telling the camera that this student was always trying to hit you up for “private lessons” & checking you out during lectures. Today, you’ve decided to finally give that private lesson!
“You’re about to get a private lesson with me! Isn’t that what you’ve always wanted? You’ll be helping me discover if I can vore & completely digest an entire student? Isn’t that exciting?!”
Lot’s of teasing with your stomach. Telling him how you’re looking forward to seeing not only how long it’s going to take to swallow him whole, but how long you think he’ll last inside your stomach.
3 Min (Booty Teasing)
Deciding to tease not only your current meal, but your future meals. You decide to turn around (close-up, non-nude. Like the tease =P) & show all your meals where they are eventually going to end up. If they are going to be terrible students, then you’re going to personally see that they become your waste. By personally expelling them. Teasing how your meals should be grateful they will be contributing to your curves & there are far, far worse ways to go than being devoured & digested by such a Goddess =P
Scene ends to close-up of face
2 Min Mouth Tease
Focus now on the student. Telling him how you’re looking forward to swallowing your first, whole student.
“I’m going to swallow you head-first. I want you to see down my throat, helpless, before greeting my empty stomach. If you weren’t such a terrible student, I wouldn’t be made to do this. Oh, well! Down the hatch!”
3 Min (Same Size Vore)
For here I’d just a lot of the dialogue to focus on your teasing your student that you just devoured. Giving him grades on how filling he was, taste, ect (A-F. Can be whatever ^.^). Mocking his pathetic attempts at struggling and trying to get out. Asking what it’s like to be getting a first-hand experience of his teacher’s stomach?
Scene ends with a fade to black then outfit change
2 Min (Close-up stomach tease)
Stomach really bloated out. Not same/size, but still with a full belly of student. Lots of teasing. Complimenting your meal that they managed to last a full week in your guts! Some teasing to your future meals of how this is the same fate that’s about to fall them if they’re watching this video. You not only ate someone whole, but successfully are finishing digesting them as you speak.
Scene transitions with your belly shrinking down, laughing in knowing you just successfully digested a full human, turning around, slowly pulling your shorts down.
2 Min
Big fan of booty teasing & your more bratty/dominant acting.
Here I’d love you teasing the camera with some up-close, non-nude booty teasing. Telling your future victims how all how their fates are to be gurgled away in your gorgeous belly, digested and then expelled out your perfect ass.
Scene ends with you pulling up your shorts, walking away & saying how you can’t wait to eat the current viewer too.
Get the HD Version HERE .
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