Nude & Overeating on Quiche
My Rating:
Runtime: 11 minutes
Date Added: 2/20/2023


Delilah Dee sat down with her meal,
A quiche so large it made her reel.
The pastry crust was golden brown,
The filling rich and thick and round.

She took a fork and pierced a bite,
A cheesy, eggy, savory delight.
But with each mouthful, it became clear,
The quiche was much more than she could bear.

She cracked open a Monster energy can,
Hoping the caffeine would help her withstand.
But her stomach grew tight, and her belly felt snug,
As she ate more and more of the quiche's hug.

She tried to soldier on and finish it all,

Nude & Overeating on Quiche

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