In this vid You are nice dentist. You open exam room door and say "come in Larry, don't be afraid."
You are wearing scrubs, shirt with short sleeves. you have glasses, You have a tie-on mask hanging around on Your neck, upper ties open. "Sit down, I wear my mask and gloves" gr you wear mask as tight as possible and adjust the brim really tight to your nose, you put green gloves in your hands and adjust them finger by finger. "Let's begin, I lower your chair down" adjust the light "So you have pain somewhere, let's take a look, open wide, mirro...
In this vid You are nice dentist. You open exam room door and say "come in Larry, don't be afraid."
You are wearing scrubs, shirt with short sleeves. you have glasses, You have a tie-on mask hanging around on Your neck, upper ties open. "Sit down, I wear my mask and gloves" gr you wear mask as tight as possible and adjust the brim really tight to your nose, you put green gloves in your hands and adjust them finger by finger. "Let's begin, I lower your chair down" adjust the light "So you have pain somewhere, let's take a look, open wide, mirror please" You have an assistant "Open wider!" doing a quick exam, adjusting light during the exam. "Yes, I found the cavity, it looks bad, let's see if I can fix it with a drill or do we need to do surgery." Adjusting light, "Now I see it better, but I can't drill it that position, I have to sit on you. Is it ok for you? I have to change gloves, new gloves please" You change gloves and sit on the patient "Drill please, and suction, this can become dirty" you drill a few minutes talking about how bad and deep the cavity is, then something goes wrong. "What is going on? a lot of tooth decay coming out, suction. this is blee, suction here, I can't see anything! Swabs, I have to stop this blee!" you feel out of breath. "I can't fix it without removing at least one tooth. we have to do surgery, prepare the patient and put gas on, I'm going to prepare for surgery"
You come back, you have a blue surgical gown, bouffant surgical cap, all hair should be under the cap, the mask is tied over the cap. You have a surgical glove pack opened on the table, you put them on with sterile technique, adjust them tight in Your hands. Then you sit next to the patient. "Ok let's start" You put suction in the patient's mouth "Scalpel please, I try to cut out carefully" working with a scalpel "Blee, swabs please, good. lets try if its coming out, bayonet please." trying to pull it out, You feel out of breath "Its stuck, cow horn forceps." pull tooth out. "There it is! lets try that next one, scalpel" almost the same things with that tooth. "Oh third one looks bad too, lets remove it too, scalpel" every tooth is stuck and you get winged and your breath is heavy under the mask. "Blee**** a little, bite this. That's all for today" take your gloves off and open mask upper ties and lay mask down, say "bye byee, see you soon."