Sudden Toothache - ENG SUB We are in the doctor's office, she has just finished with a patient wishing him a good holiday when suddenly she starts touching her right cheek... she lowers her mask revealing her beautiful smile and asks her colleague Marco if he can take a look at it... he doesn't need to be told twice, it's not every day that you get to examine the doctor's mouth and have the chance to treat it if necessary. He makes her sit down, puts the apron on her, adjust her hair and finally puts on a mask and white gloves xS. Marco asks the doctor to open her mouth to check...
Sudden Toothache - ENG SUB We are in the doctor's office, she has just finished with a patient wishing him a good holiday when suddenly she starts touching her right cheek... she lowers her mask revealing her beautiful smile and asks her colleague Marco if he can take a look at it... he doesn't need to be told twice, it's not every day that you get to examine the doctor's mouth and have the chance to treat it if necessary. He makes her sit down, puts the apron on her, adjust her hair and finally puts on a mask and white gloves xS. Marco asks the doctor to open her mouth to check with a mirror and probe. She is a little hesitant because of the strong pain but is convinced but Marco has already identified the problem on 47 and as soon as he touches the surface of the tooth, the doctor feels a strong pain and strong sensitivity. Marco declares that this cavity needs anesthesia and cannot be treated without it. Doctor Claudia doesn't like having needles put in her mouth and therefore refuses immediately, but Marco tries in every way to convince her by telling her that he will do as much as necessary. The doctor doesn't want to know but Marco knows that it is necessary to prevent the entire office from hearing the doctor's screams. in a flash the anesthesia is ready, and it is near the doctor's mouth... her heart rate increased the moment Marco said the following words: "relax or you will feel everything". Claudia cannot tolerate the anesthesia and makes it clear by almost removing Marco's hands from her mouth after a few seconds while he was trying to anesthetize her... Marco warns her that this way she will feel pain during the drilling but the doctor, touching her lip, confesses that she feels quite anesthetized and pleased with the fact that she probably won't feel anything. But suddenly Marco, after having mounted the tip on the drill, turns it on, the doctor's expression quickly changes into a mixture of anxiety and fear. She is ordered to open her mouth wide, but it is not enough so Marco decides to use his fingers to keep her mouth wide open and hold her tooth and consequently her head still... The tension increases in Claudia's eyes as she suffers under her colleague's drill and begs him to hurry up... Marco doesn't have to be told twice, given the previous warnings and the full waiting room. He changes the drill bit and starts working at high speed on the doctor's tooth who flinches every time the pain becomes too intense. In this way the treatment is completed in the right amount of time and the doctor also has time to recover a bit, resting on her beautiful dental chair with the lights off...