THIS IS THE MP4 VERSION. DFP Investments has discovered a problem. A good deal of funds are missing off the books, and the theft has been traced back to two of its Vice-Presidents; Star Nine and Tara Tied. Luckily for the ladies, the company has recently started a new program to avoid losing skilled employees who have made a mistake: all they have to do is submit to a public humbling during a company-wide teleconference!
THIS IS THE MP4 VERSION. DFP Investments has discovered a problem. A good deal of funds are missing off the books, and the theft has been traced back to two of its Vice-Presidents; Star Nine and Tara Tied. Luckily for the ladies, the company has recently started a new program to avoid losing skilled employees who have made a mistake: all they have to do is submit to a public humbling during a company-wide teleconference!