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Amber: Wetting Diaper on Couch
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Runtime: 4 minutes
Date Added: 10/29/15, 05:00 AM


Amber is relaxing on her couch wearing just a shirt and a diaper. She is reading her magazine and starts to get that feeling that she has to pee. She puts down her magazine and gently rubs her diaper while she coaxes herself to release her very full bladder. Her diaper slowly starts to fill up until suddenly she has completely soaked it.

Amber rubs the front of her diaper feeling how soaked it is. She starts to enjoy the feeling of her warm wet diaper squishing against her. She begins to masturbate through her very soaked diaper until she orgasms. Amber looks like she is ready for a ...
Amber: Wetting Diaper on Couch

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