Red is slowly waking up from her nap in the crib. As this adorable girl wakes up she reaches out for her favorite stuffie and holds it close. She slowly feels more energized and soon she sits up ready to play.
However, Red is too warm after wearing her adorable footie pajamas all night so she stands up and takes them off. Underneath her pajamas she is wearing a very wet Aww So Cute diaper and a sexy black bra. She sits back down and continues to play as she waits for Step-Daddy to come let her out of the crib, and more importantly give her a fresh diaper.
Red is slowly waking up from her nap in the crib. As this adorable girl wakes up she reaches out for her favorite stuffie and holds it close. She slowly feels more energized and soon she sits up ready to play.
However, Red is too warm after wearing her adorable footie pajamas all night so she stands up and takes them off. Underneath her pajamas she is wearing a very wet Aww So Cute diaper and a sexy black bra. She sits back down and continues to play as she waits for Step-Daddy to come let her out of the crib, and more importantly give her a fresh diaper.