Girl waring brown pointed toe stiletto boots crushed tomatoes and Bananas. She had been waring nice knee high boots with stiletto heels and sharp cruelly textured soles, so she crushed mini tomatoes and Bananas, sometimes her heels ware sinking into dirt, and when she walked on wet ground, she left her boots print on the ground clearly. 720x480 SD Clip 6min17sec. WMV.
Girl waring brown pointed toe stiletto boots crushed tomatoes and Bananas. She had been waring nice knee high boots with stiletto heels and sharp cruelly textured soles, so she crushed mini tomatoes and Bananas, sometimes her heels ware sinking into dirt, and when she walked on wet ground, she left her boots print on the ground clearly. 720x480 SD Clip 6min17sec. WMV.