Condemning the Sweat Perv to Wedgies ft Zwyx - Zwyx asks Ditria to sniff her armpits which leads her to punish him with wedgies!
My Rating:
Category: Wedgies
Runtime: 5 minutes
Date Added: 12/5/2024


Ditria is lying back on her bed, all stretched out, since returning home from the gym. She sighs to herself, attempting to cool down and regain her breath yet as her adrenaline is still pumping considering it wasn't a far drive, paired with how determined she was to nail down her new routine. All of a sudden, roommate Zwyx comes in and comments on how Ditria wasn't gone all that long, having no idea where she went but taking note of just out breathless and out of it she appears. She informs him that it was leg day and how she worked herself hard - he must agree, although not having seen suc...

Condemning the Sweat Perv to Wedgies ft Zwyx - Zwyx asks Ditria to sniff her armpits which leads her to punish him with wedgies!

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