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ft. Bunny
Ditria has been primping in Bunny's bathroom for quite some time. Bunny, not totally sure what Ditria is up to or where she plans to go dressed so nice whilst they /were/ just supposed to be putting a movie on, relaxing, and watching it together, is taken aback. Although she comments that Ditria looks cute, she does still ask where it is that she intends on going - because this isn't anywhere near comfy attire for sitting around the house! A very short, one shoulder dress that looks fit for a club rather, paired wi...
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ft. Bunny
Ditria has been primping in Bunny's bathroom for quite some time. Bunny, not totally sure what Ditria is up to or where she plans to go dressed so nice whilst they /were/ just supposed to be putting a movie on, relaxing, and watching it together, is taken aback. Although she comments that Ditria looks cute, she does still ask where it is that she intends on going - because this isn't anywhere near comfy attire for sitting around the house! A very short, one shoulder dress that looks fit for a club rather, paired with a spiked collar that appears sharp enough to possibly be a concern, was not at all what she was expecting, namely in comparison to her two-piece workout set and zip-up jacket.
Ditria retorts that she might be going on a hot date, although the exact details are still being worked on as they speak. This causes Bunny to visibly show her reaction on her face, after hearing exactly what it is that she had assumed be put into words and confirmed by Ditria - she will be ditching her AGAIN. Ditria, sitting down to console Bunny, assures her that she was still going to take the time to watch the movie with Bunny in the meantime. Bunny isn't convinced. This wasn't the plan they'd originally agreed to for the evening. She's been feeling very slighted by Ditria recently, considering this has been an ongoing issue in their friendship - not to mention, when they do go out and find things to do about their city together, Ditria makes it a point to embarrass Bunny.
Matter of fact, the last time they were anywhere together (the grocery store actually, of all places!) Ditria took it upon herself to give Bunny a wedgie. Ditria finds the fact that Bunny is complaining about this ludicrous, as Bunny should know by now that Ditria didn't mean anything by it - after all, she is the jokester of their group! Bunny, though, isn't so convinced. She hated the feeling of being put on the spot by that in front of so many people and them seeing her go through the wedgie, grimacing, then having to put it out in the middle of an aisle!
Bunny, though not typically one to stand up to others and pausing in the moment of trying, does something she never thought she would - she peels Ditria's dress off of her right then and there to get a better look at what she's doing, and decides to wedgie her right then and there! It might not be inside of a Walmart, as it was for her, but it still feels satisfying to get some revenge on her friend. She pulls and pulls on her thong from all different directions - Ditria complaining that Bunny is going to destroy her "get lucky" underwear that she intended on wearing for the evening, because every time that she wears them when going out with a guy, she always get some at the end of the night! This causes Bunny to pull the material up her ass even stronger and tighter, to the point they're barely covering anything and Ditria's asshole is practically on display. She moans and groans, the panties rubbing harshly, causing her to struggle any way that she can to get out of Bunny's grip. Ditria is rude towards Bunny, although being her friend, having her asshole become raw is turning her into a raging insult machine! She tells Bunny that perhaps if she got something, anything up her own ass, not even necessarily a wedgie, perhaps she wouldn't be so uptight all of the time.
Finally, the unfortunate and total destruction of Ditria's "get lucky" panties occurs at the hand of Bunny. Bunny certainly isn't apologetic about this - friends should come first, and Ditria hasn't been a good one in a while. She puts the little strip of fabric the panties are hanging on by around Ditria's neck. There's no fixing them now, but she is still on a streak to fix Ditria's attitude! Ditria takes them off from around her neck whilst Bunny is putting another pair on her around her legs. Pulling them up - Ditria feels a LOT of material. Too much material. They're... granny panties! And Bunny is telling her that she can have these instead. These won't get her laid! These will only get her laughed at, because they're not cute whatsoever. Ugh.
Bunny continues to wedgie Ditria in these as well, and she's getting even better at it! These panties are worse as is due to the extra coverage. Bunny insists that she will make them into a thong too, though truly she only wants an apology out of Ditria for what she did. Ditria keeps fucking with her, laughing at the occurrence and being stubborn. Bunny will do what it takes to hear "I'm sorry", even if she has to wedgie Ditria all evening and cause her to miss her date!