Worship Wars: Twinkle vs. Bambi (1 of 4)
My Rating:
Category: Sole Licking
Runtime: 6 minutes
Date Added: 2/20/2018


This is clearly the hottest, sexiest, most erotic of all the battles of the Worship Wars series thus far. After defeating her fellow slave girls Bubbles and Candy, slave girl Bambi returns to defend her title yet again against the new #1 contender, slave girl Twinkle . The action heats up right from the start as Bambi and Twinkle strive to outdo each other to please their respective goddess. With Bambi serving Goddess Nefertiti and Twinkle serving Godddess Strawberry, the two slave girls battle it out via a determined display of sexy foot-worshipping which seductively leads to a determined...

Worship Wars: Twinkle vs. Bambi (1 of 4)

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