It goes without saying that the chubby maid will have to diet, and LADY ELIZABETH GARDEN knows an effective fruit diet that is simply tip-top. Using MISTRESS'S secret method, the nutrients are completely absorbed after being thoroughly ground up and smashed deep in the chub-chub's body with the aid of a helpful foot that knows how to get the job done. After a little stretching pain and a suppressed need to go potty have been endured for a therapeutic period of time, any feelings of hunger will be diverted and that flitty little maidy mind will be able to focus on more important things. Those h...
It goes without saying that the chubby maid will have to diet, and LADY ELIZABETH GARDEN knows an effective fruit diet that is simply tip-top. Using MISTRESS'S secret method, the nutrients are completely absorbed after being thoroughly ground up and smashed deep in the chub-chub's body with the aid of a helpful foot that knows how to get the job done. After a little stretching pain and a suppressed need to go potty have been endured for a therapeutic period of time, any feelings of hunger will be diverted and that flitty little maidy mind will be able to focus on more important things. Those h...