So this video we will be more on the line on Frequently Asked Question. Here, I will answer one of them. The question comes from, probably, someone just like you A Small Dick Looser. I mean, who else would ever buy this video! hehehe. The question is: “What is the smaller dick that I ever saw in my life?” Before I go, just think about, I live my lifestyle 24/7. So pretty much 24/7, I am surrounded by small dick losers, tiny dicks, shrimp dicks, escargot dicks, mosquito dicks, disgusting, useless parts, etc.. And you think you job is bad? I am surrounded by tiny dick losers 24/7. So back to ...
So this video we will be more on the line on Frequently Asked Question. Here, I will answer one of them. The question comes from, probably, someone just like you A Small Dick Looser. I mean, who else would ever buy this video! hehehe. The question is: “What is the smaller dick that I ever saw in my life?” Before I go, just think about, I live my lifestyle 24/7. So pretty much 24/7, I am surrounded by small dick losers, tiny dicks, shrimp dicks, escargot dicks, mosquito dicks, disgusting, useless parts, etc.. And you think you job is bad? I am surrounded by tiny dick losers 24/7. So back to the question. The smallest dick that I have ever seen would belong to the whole new category. There are a Large, a Medium, a Small, and Extra Small dicklies. I think, I even have a video here about an Extra Small dickly. A MINUS SIZE! Aha, So let m tell you the true story. When I was younger, I was a model, a very skinny model, back in 90s. I used to wear x small size. Believe it or not a couple of store sold minus size dresses. So it is a real, the minus size is real. Although, a way back, if you are a minus size model, you will make a lot of money. In short, you belong to this minus size category, an inverted dick. So back to the question of what is the smallest dick I saw, I cannot tell you, for the little thing was inverted and swirled in .. It was not hanging, nor it sanding, but it was more like a turtle head. It was retracted. Boom! A scared turtle head. Are you that incompetent? So it was more like a hole, a very little hole, the minus size. The men like you... actually there are more and more of that size come to me lately and... try to date me. It is a fucking living - nightmare. Oh, the life of the Dominatrix. So the smallest size would be a minus size! I mean, HOW CAN YOU FUCK SOMEONE LIKE THIS? It will be like two holes slamming against each other!! Smack - smack - smack! Except, I am a female and I have a hole as I am supposed. And you? Are you even a man? I do not think you are a man if your dick is a minus size? For, I propose.... I probably should put up some type of a petition and come up with the whole new size, the minus size for a dick for small dick losers! What? Why did you get this video? Because you have that size? If you do, I highly recommend do not ever take your pants down! You are lucky to even get this video, for this is the only way you get any attention from me or anyone I suppose. HOW CAN YOU EVER FUCK WITH THAT THING?