Lucy comes storming into her house fuming mad over a road rage incident she just encountered on the Freeway. She immediately calls 911 and reports the incident and wants an Officer dispatched to her house ASAP. She is told an officer is in her area and will be right over.
No sooner does Lucy hang up than she hears a knock at the door, thinking the officer is already at her house she opens the door only to be Bum Rushed by the same maniac she was road raging with on the Freeway!
He informs Lucy she isn't the only one who can take a picture of a license plate with a cell ...
Lucy comes storming into her house fuming mad over a road rage incident she just encountered on the Freeway. She immediately calls 911 and reports the incident and wants an Officer dispatched to her house ASAP. She is told an officer is in her area and will be right over.
No sooner does Lucy hang up than she hears a knock at the door, thinking the officer is already at her house she opens the door only to be Bum Rushed by the same maniac she was road raging with on the Freeway!
He informs Lucy she isn't the only one who can take a picture of a license plate with a cell phone and has a buddy on the Police Department who ran her plate and gave him her address.
The Goon makes Lucy go into her living room where he informs her he is going to make the roads a safer place today by teaching her a lesson in driving etiquette and maybe, just maybe, the next time she gets behind the wheel of her car she will think before she drives, better yet before she rudely cuts someone off in traffic doing 75 MPH!
Lucy does her best to talk and fight back but the Goon has a grip on her and is tightly hand gagging her only letting out partial words and Mmmppphhhhsss!!! Angry and Frustrated as Fuck Lucy does her best to argue with the goon but its no use.
The Goon then informs her he is going to leave her tightly bound and gagged in her own home to teach her a lesson and give her time to think about her errant ways. Lucy is now furious at the thought of being left bound and gagged in her own home by the same goon she is accusing of cutting her off and flipping her off in traffic but she is no match for the goon and before she knows it she finds herself tightly taped up and about to be gagged!
The goon toys with his captive some more hand gagging her and asking her questions which when she goes to respond only results in her getting tightly hand gagged leaving Lucy making her extremely frustrated and angry. Finally Lucy's smart ass mouth gets fully packed, wrapped tightly and a thick white cotton bandana is tightly tied over it further muffling her up and infuriating her even more!
Lucy does her best all muffled up to swear and bitch at the goon but he just laughs at her as he cracks her ass, roughly grabs and gropes her HUGE BOOBIES and throws her down on the floor all the while cracking her ass some more as she angrily MMMPPPFFFFSSSS, tries her best to kick, squirming and gag bitching angry and frustrated as fuck.
The goon finally Leaves Lucy very tightly taped up and laughs at her humiliating her, cracking her ass and groping her boobies some more and finally leaves her there toe-tally fucked and frustrated as fuck.
Lucy is determined though and painstakingly squirms and wiggles inch by inch around her entire house finally making it to an end table where she looks up and see's her phone, so close yet so frustratingly far away. Lots of non-stop action in this scene with many elements and dimensions.