Paige Erin Turner Tightly Bound & Massively Gagged and Groped by an Obsessed Co-Worker! *33 MINUTES LONG*
My Rating:
Category: Bondage
Runtime: 33 minutes
Date Added: 9/17/2024


We fade in on Paige talking to the Detective who has been assigned to her case, explaining how she has been tightly Bound and Gagged all day long squirming in her home, left there by a disgruntled Co-Worker whom she refused to go out with.

Paige talks to the Detective going into detail about the entire ordeal and how she Ended up tightly bound and gagged in her own home. Paige is a Gorgeous Southern Lass who dresses up nice at work everyday like Most Women her age due. Paige also gets a lot of attention wearing her Sexy textured pantyhose with gorgeous long legs to display them i...

Paige Erin Turner Tightly Bound & Massively Gagged and Groped by an Obsessed Co-Worker! *33 MINUTES LONG*

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