The punishment of the pupils continues: The schoolboy is into a rubber suit and has to crawl into a small cage underneath a table. As he sticks his head through an opening the headmistress and the teacher make him suck their fingers. The schoolgirl, who is dressed in a school uniform, is tied to a St. Andrews cross. Her nipples are clamped as the mistresses make fun of her and make her throw her skirt onto the schoolboys head.
The punishment of the pupils continues: The schoolboy is into a rubber suit and has to crawl into a small cage underneath a table. As he sticks his head through an opening the headmistress and the teacher make him suck their fingers. The schoolgirl, who is dressed in a school uniform, is tied to a St. Andrews cross. Her nipples are clamped as the mistresses make fun of her and make her throw her skirt onto the schoolboys head.